Course List | Metro Trains

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(03) 9610-3701
Metro Academy
42–50 Bakehouse Rd
Kensington, VIC

Course list

Metro Academy delivers short courses to employees and contractors working on the Metro network, along with mandatory refresher training for Metro safety-critical courses.
The MTM RTO delivers formal qualifications and units of competency, which enables graduates to have their skills recognised not only at Metro, but across the national rail and safety industries.

Explore the short course catalogue to select and book training.

Metro Trains Melbourne RTO ID 40535 Course Offerings

Track Force Protection Coordinator 3.2

Attainment: TLIC0025 Pilot rail traffic within work on track authority limits;
TLIL0010 Implement a track occupancy authority;
TLIL3084 Implement a local possession authority;
TLIL3083 Implement a track work authority and manage rail traffic through worksites;
TLIW2037 Clip and secure points

Competency: Metro Trains Melbourne
Frequency: Once Every Two Months
Cost: $2655 (GST does not apply)
Description: This course is to provide the underpinning knowledge and skills for Rail Safety Workers (RSWs) to fulfil the role of a Track Force Protection Coordinator (TFPC) 3.2 on the Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM) Metropolitan Rail Network.

Track Vehicle Operator 1


TLIC2054 Access rail track to run track vehicle within defined worksite

TLIC3045 Operate road/rail vehicle

Competency: Metro Trains Melbourne
Frequency: Monthly
Cost: $1250 (GST does not apply)
Description: This course involves the knowledge and skills required by Rail Safety Workers (RSWs) to operate road/rail vehicles on track within a defined worksite in accordance with safe working regulatory requirements, workplace procedures in the MTM network.

Metro Academy Course Offerings

The SWIRC book

The Safely Working in the Rail Corridor (SWIRC) book provides the key information participants will learn during the SWIRC course. Download the SWIRC book and keep a copy to refer to during and after the training session.

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Your username = your email address
Your password = what you set when you first registered

For Terms and Conditions, click here.

Click here to download the Quick Reference guide specifically developed for Learners booking a Rail Safety Renewal Online Course.

The Platform Quick Reference Guide for Learners Quick Reference Guide for Administrators

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